Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So, why am I posting less often?

It’s not that I don’t have the time, it’s well, cause I’m lazy.

I mean, I don’t know, it’s like, I suddenly remembered why I hated going to school. It’s not that school is THAT boring. It’s the feeling of repeating the same schedule over again and again that really bums me out.

Okay, since I’m lazy to find any videos. I’ll be ranting out my thoughts.

Okay, think about the things we’re learning now. I think about the computers that we’re using, the computer language that I’m going to learn. The circuitry inside it what I’m going to learn. how complex and hard it will be. All of these is developed in 40 years.

Then I start thinking about all our knowledge and technology. So the furthest recorded signs of mankind dates back to around 5000 years ago. Which means, whatever we have now, took 5000 years to create up till this state. So you think about it, right now, in 2010, our textbook compromises of the summary of the knowledge humankind have gained over the years. What will happen 5000 years later?

Well, don’t talk about 5000, what about 100 years later. If computers have evolved to this state in 40 years, what about 100 years later? How fucking hard will it be for the future generations to study?

Well, let’s assume that when mankind started, there was a population of 1,000. 5000 years later, it grew to become 4.4billion. Since no one knows everything in this world. I visualized the humankind to be a giant network for storage of knowledge, passed down from generation to generation. Like an internet. Somehow we’re linked together but we’re not. A fucking huge network of information made by our brains. In the future we will be able to implant computer chips into our brains. (assuming that biotech makes an awesome breakthrough). When that happens, imagine if we’re all able to linked together as one network. I wonder how much humans will advance if that was possible.

So well, it’s just the things that I fantasize about when I’m alone and stuff.

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