Thursday, February 11, 2010


You know, there’s this annoying cycle that I'm pretty annoyed about for quite some time already. It’s like, whenever I’m outside, after a couple of hours I feel pretty drained and tired,  yet when I reach home, I sit down on my bed and turn on my com, and all of a sudden the energy lost seems to magically come back to me.

And whenever I use the com until I’m feeling tired, and my eyelids just feel so heavy. I decide to turn off the com and lie down and try to sleep. Yet when you start lying down the feeling of tiredness just goes away and I just spend a rather long time lying there not doing anything yet not sleeping.

This annoying cycle is well basically, annoying. Which is why I’m awake right now. besides, i’m going to take another try in sleeping. so see you tomorrow! Hopefully I can think of something to post about.

You know, it’s not the bad memories that fucks you, it’s the good ones.

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